Cobrinha Aliante

Kids Jiu-Jitsu Programs

Kids Ages 3-14

Our kids Jiu-Jitsu programs will help your kids learn focus, build relationships, and build confidence as they grow. This style of BJJ doesn’t allow you to grab your opponent’s clothes, which leads to a much faster pace. If your first priority for your child is self-defense, No-Gi Jiu Jitsu is probably your best bet, as it mimics real-life altercations.

Kids Jiu-Jitsu Programs

Little Cobras

Made for our students ages 3-5 our Little Cobras program is dedicated to empowering you with the confidence and self-esteem needed to succeed in everyday life. Jiu-Jitsu can bring out the positive qualities that have always been a part of you, whether that is inner calm, positive mental attitude, patience, or self-discipline. Jiu-Jitsu training will help you overcome fear, anger, and self-doubt, and leave you feeling confident in any situation.

Provides a Safe Environment

Preparing to defend oneself against an attacker sounds scary, but we promise to make sure that your child feels comfortable and safe throughout the entire process. We enforce a strict policy of acceptance, respect, and care for others that is incorporated into everything we do – whether it’s student-instructor interactions, warm-ups, sparring, or student friendships. From day one, we encourage students to express any questions and concerns they may have. We believe that communication is the key to creating a healthy and uplifting training environment.


Kids Jiu-Jitsu

Made for our kiddos ages 6-14 our kids jiu-jitsu program will take them to the next steps of their growth in training. Don’t get us wrong, BJJ is a ton of fun…but it’s also hard work! We want our students to learn from a young age what it means to keep trying even when you get tired or can’t get the hang of a technique right away. There’s nothing more rewarding than setting a goal for yourself and finally accomplishing it! Whether it’s earning your orange belt, breaking a board, or learning a cool new technique, our team is here to get you there.

Teaches Self-Defense

As a parent, your first priority is keeping your child safe. That’s why we are so passionate about equipping kids with the invaluable self-defense skills that BJJ provides. While all forms of Jiu Jitsu prepare students for real-life altercations and provide essential lessons on how to protect oneself,  Jiu Jitsu takes self-defense to another level. No-Gi Jiu Jitsu is unique in its ability to mirror situations students could potentially face in the real world, due to its uniform of regular clothing and its utilization of faster-paced grappling.


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